Do you feel like you want, and don’t have a creative outlet?
Do you feel like you don’t have time to invest in your creative outlet?
Do you feel inspired to create, but feel like you don’t have the skills required?
Crafty with Ashy is the place for you!
I know. Life is crazy! We all have various commitments and responsibilities. I sometimes feel like I am running from one place to the next like a chicken with my head cut off. This can make it hard to sit down; take some time for yourself; take some time to be creative; take some time to just be. Sometimes, for me, this is taking a bubble bath with a glass of wine and a mystery, romance novel! But often, this looks like sitting down to create something!
I love when I do take this time because the process is relaxing and enjoyable, but ALSO I get to enjoy the end product!! Sometimes that end product is a meaningful gift for someone I love, a beautiful new piece of home decor, a functional piece of clothing or accessory, or a delicious treat that I can share (or gorge myself on). Sometimes, it turns out to be something that I take back apart, paint over, or throw in the trash! We all make mistakes! But overall, I get to enjoy the process and the result when it comes to creating.

The primary goal I have for Crafty with Ashy is to inspire YOU to create! I am a teacher at heart, so I hope that I can teach you some things along the way, but mainly I just want you to DO! I want YOU to have the satisfaction and delight in something you have created! I want YOU to be able to give a gift or treat, and say, “I’m glad you love it! I made it special for you!” or hand something down to your kids or grandkids and say, “I made this for you when you were a baby, and now you can hand it down to your kids!”
An alternate goal for Crafty with Ashy is to improve my consistency in creating. I’m the type that does things in streaks. I tend to pick up my crocheting box and do a bunch of projects, then get burnt out on it and put it away for months (usually until I need to make a baby blanket for someone!) Then, I will go on a painting kick, a baking kick, a reading kick, or a vegging out and watching TV kick. (Too bad it is a never a cleaning kick…oh well.) I feel like because of this lack of consistency, I don’t ever fully develop any of the skills. I believe consistently participating in my three main creative outlets (painting, crocheting, and baking) will help me become better at all of them!

If you feel like this is the place for you, SUBSCRIBE! You will get an inspirational email each time I post something new!
You can FOLLOW ME on Pinterest where you will see my posts, but also many of the pins I find inspiring!
You can SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel where you will find my video tutorials!
I am also on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!